Sunday, July 11, 2004

The foolishness of neutrality in Palestine.

In almost all conflicts you can see who is the better side
and which is the worser side by comparing simply how much
people they kill. And if you do this simple calculation,
you can´t claim that Israel is the victim. It has killed
over three times as many people as the Palestinian fighters
and suicide bombers. In the last two weeks, the Israeli
army has murdered about 30 palestinians. At the same time,
Palestinian fighters have killed about 5 Israelis.

The problem with Israel is of course the Holocaust. I find
it disgusting that countries that in the 1930s didn´t do
anything to stop the Nazi regime´s oppression of Jews and
other minorities, and didn´t take Jewish refugees, now stand
by as Israel commits it´s own atrocities, which then are
usually - not by usually by politicians, but media - claimed
to be justified because of the Holocaust and the eternal
victimhood of the Jews. Somehow huge numbers of people
believe that Israel has right to do whatever it´s leaders
want to the Palestinians because of the Jewish genocide.

The Palestinians probably have to be succesful in their
fight for their own country and then find their own¨
victims to oppress before they start to get support.
"Remember the suffering of the Palestinians in the hands
of the Israelis" would then be often heard claim why
no action should be taken.

People don´t like to help current victims, but to be friends
of past victims. It´s much easier and still gives you the
feeling that you are a nice and good person.

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