Sunday, July 11, 2004

Palestinians plan UN resolution on barrier.

USA will use it´s veto, but it will make it only more hated -
not only in the Muslim countries, but in other parts of the
world also. Of course, the Americans don´t care about. The only
thing that matters to them is to fulfill the command of their
masters in Tel Aviv. It´s curious how the USA has never any
other options than blindly do whatever Israel wants it to do.

For example, now would be a perfect time to force Israel towards
peaceful resolution and negotiations and use the wall and the
UN resulotion about it as a leverage. But because the USA -
and maybe UK - government(s) are just puppets of Tel Aviv, they
can´t do anything except than use their veto and declare that
"Israel has the right to defend itself!" (Which means that
Israel basically has the right to broke international laws and
do whatever it wants to do because it´s Israel.) Great harm for
the USA - and UK if it goes along, as the Israeli government
believes it will - but they don´t care about that as long as
the Israeli leadership is happy.

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