Wednesday, July 14, 2004

TV coverage in United Kingdom of the conflict in Palestine
favors the the colonialists.

Bias or lack of any kind of knowledge of journalism? I hazard a
guess: Bias grown from the fear that the colonialists start to
whine that the British media is on the side of the Palestinians,
as colonialists often do, like towards the BBC, even if this study
proves that the BBC acts as a propaganda outlet for the colonialists.

One has to say too that the British seem to be quite
splendidly stupid people if they really know as little
of current Palestine and it´s history as this study claims.

After all, in the end the blame for the current mess in
Palestine goes solely to the British. They could have in
1948 either forced the creation of a unified state and keep
it together or orchestrate the partitition of Palestine
without largescale violence and war. They did neither. They
just left. Didn´t feel they were ready to carry the "White
Man´s Burden"

In Malaysia they faced the same kind of situation in the same
year. They stayed and fought for several years.

And little news of the arrogance of the colonialists:

'Israeli plans' for Arafat death.

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