Monday, July 05, 2004

If you stubbornly play "striker" like Pauleta, if you don´t
take Deco away from the field even when the little guy is
just plain comical, falling on the ground constantly,
shooting the ball everywhere except towards the Greek goal,
well then you certainly deserve to lose. And Scolari
deserved to lose. Portugal, on the other hand, didn´t
really deserve to lose. Greece had only one true scoring
opportunity in the entire game - but they used it. And so
they are the champions. Fairytale story if there ever has been.

I remember how the Greeks lost all their games in USA in
1994, scoring none and picking ten times the ball from
inside of their goal. I could never have imagined that a
Greek national team would be the best in Europe. Yet,
they are now. Congratulations for them.

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